Creation Of Bill Of Rights & US Constitution

US Constitution was articulated by representatives from the 12 US states at Philadelphia in 1787. Major contribution for formation of the constitution came from Mr. James Madison who was also named as "Father of Constitution". Once finalized, shortcomings of the constitution had started appearing whereby the Government was handed over an enormous amount of power and the rights of common man were not safeguarded.

In persuasion of constitutional protection of common masses and in limiting the unnecessary power vested in the hands of Government, 12 states framed the amendment in the constitution under the flagship of Mr. James Madison. The approved 10 amendments to the constitution were called "Bill of Rights".

Bill of Rights states certain prohibition and limits the power on Government while simultaneously defends various rights of citizen which were not stated in previous prevailing laws laid by British Empire ruling American Colonies prior to the American Independence. Bill of Rights had been a bone of contention between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Federalists were always pro to the originally framed constitution which delegated enormous power to the Government. Whereas, the Anti-Federalist wanted to safeguard the common rights of citizens and to materialize their efforts. They were insisting on the finalization and approval of Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights were approved and came into force as an amendment to constitution on 15th December 1971.

Following is the brief of ten amendments made in the constitution:

  1. Permitted citizen to freely practice their religion and freedom of Speech
  2. Allowed citizens to keep arms for their safety
  3. Citizen will no longer be coerced to house the soldiers in their home.
  4. Protection against unnecessary house search or arrest without warrants. The warrants to be issued only on the basis of sound evidences.
  5. Individuals will not be put to trial unless decided by Grand Jury. Decision of Grand Jury for trial will be subject to the presence of evidences only.
  6. It permits a free, fair and speedy trial in case a person is accused of crime on the basis of evidences.
  7. Civilians will be sanctioned free & fair trial in federal courts
  8. Civilians will be protected from cruel punishment & unfair exorbitant amount of fines.
  9. It discouraged the Government to deny the masses unwritten rules favoring Individual rights.
  10. Any power not hold by the Government is vested with people or its states.

In essence, Bill of Rights were framed to protect the rights of common citizens and allowed them privacy and liberty in 1791, which were not granted to their predecessors.

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